Craig and Dawn Reese have made an important modification to the one-car garage of their suburban Washington house: They’ve covered the floor with a layer of plywood and thick black mats. “That’s to cushion the blow when we drop our weights,” Craig, 44, says. The space is crowded with workout equipment. There’s a rowing machine, […]
As people grow older, they begin to find ways to be more productive and make use of their time. For senior citizens, in particular, they find that there is even more time they need to utilize and want to do so effectively. Many will go out and find other jobs while others will pursue hobbies […]
Every year, the American Heart Association celebrates Heart Month to raise awareness about heart disease and heart health. What you may not know is that martial arts are great for the heart. In fact, the cardiac benefits of martial arts give a whole new meaning to the idea of cardiovascular fitness. With that in mind, […]
Grade school can be quite the experience for any child. It is a place where a child not only learns academically but one where a child must learn to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that a child may have when going through school. Whatever those experiences […]
The term “Martial Arts” is a relatively broad expression that encompasses a variety of different disciplines. Typically, when we hear the words martial arts, the first ideas that come to mind are one or more of the techniques that have developed in Asian countries. However, the martial arts are comprised of most types of fighting […]
Do you or does your child have trouble saying “no?” Do you find yourself saying “yes” to your children when you really want to say “not today,” “I can’t swing it,” or just plain “no?” Does your child over-stretch or over-commit because s/he can’t seem to say no? Perhaps you or your child is what my […]
Shopping in Racine can be a thrill. In a good way and even in a bad way. Adding a little self defense mentality can go a long way. Self Awareness You have society on your side. Potential criminals (for the most part) won’t just obnoxiously run up to you in front of a crowd and […]
Dear Parents, A positive attitude is so important in today’s world. Having a positive attitude means focusing on the good things in life and not dwelling on the negative. This helps people cope with daily stresses and reduces destructive thinking. However, children aren’t born with a positive attitude; it is something that is developed. As […]
Grade school can be quite the experience for any child. It is a place where a child not only learns academically but one where a child must learn to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that a child may have when going through school. Whatever those experiences […]